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Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis System

Methods IOC, Bannwarth

Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis System Model: Consort EV265, VWR
Unit and Room: Org. Chemistry, 1st floor, R. 220F
Responsible: Prof. W. Bannwarth, A. Kienzler
Further information:  
Short Description:

Electrophoresis power supply and gel apparatus.

Picture of the Equipment

Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis System

Available Experiments/Techniques:

Manual programming permits to set voltage,
current, power and time limits for a simple
routine electrophoresis run.
Possibility to store up to nine different
Provides a flexible multiple step function for
special techniques or isocratic voltage.
Possibility to perform up to four
electrophoresis at the same time.

Special Equipment:

Analytical and preparative electrophoresis chambers.

Measurements on the equipment are currently done by:

Students after Introduction

Recent Publications, where this instrument was
important (citation):

D. Altevogt, A. Hrenn, C. Kern, L. Clima, W.
Bannwarth, I. Merfort, Org. Biomol. Chem. ,
2009, 7, 3934 - 3939
L. Clima, W. Bannwarth, Helv. Chim. Acta,
2008, 91, 165-175

Typical problems that may be solved with this instrument:

Purification and analytical check of purity of DAN and RNA.


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