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Chemspeed Automated Synthesis Workstation

Methods IOC, Bannwarth

Chemspeed - Automated Synthesis Workstation Model: ASW 200
Unit and Room: Org. Chemistry, 2nd floor, R. 323F
Responsible: Prof. W. Bannwarth, S. Barudio
Further information:  
Short Description:

Fully automated system for unattended
parallel synthesis, reagent preparation,
product analysis and purification.
The workstation allows the following on-line
processes: liquid-handling (up to 32 reactions
in parallel), shaking (up to 1.400 rpm),
cooling/heating (-70 to +150°C), solvent
evaporation, filtration etc.

Picture of the Equipment

Chemspeed - Automated Synthesis Workstation

Available Experiments/Techniques:

-parallel synthesis in solution as well as with
solid phases
-kinetic studies

Special Equipment:

Equipment enabling parallel peptide synthesis.

Measurements on the equipment are currently done by:

Trained scientific service personal

Recent Publications, where this instrument was
important (citation):

G. M. Scheuermann, L. Rumi, P. Steurer,
W. Bannwarth, R. Mülhaupt; J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 2009, 131, 8262-8270
C. C. Tzschucke, W. Bannwarth, Helv.
Chim. Acta, 2004, 87, 2882 - 2889

Typical problems that may be solved with this instrument:

Excellent applicability for kinetic studies and
for fast screening of different reaction


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