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Protein Potentiometry

Methods IBC, Einsle/Friedrich/Andrade

Protein Potentiometry Model: Home made
Unit and Room: Biochemistry, 10th floor, R. 1010
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Friedrich

Further information: http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/biochemie
Short Description:

Three-electrode arrangement connected to a home made potentiostat to apply defined voltages to proteins. Modified gold-grid as working electrode. Detection of redox-changes by diode-array UV/vis-spectroscopy.

Picture of the Equipment

Protein Potentiometry

Available Experiments/Techniques:

Various gold modifier for protein protection;
Various mediators for protein redox chemistry

Special Equipment:

Temperature controll system

Measurements on the equipment are currently done by:

Students after extensive training

Recent Publications, where this instrument was
important (citation):

Biochemistry 2008, 47, 13036-13045.


Typical problems that may be solved with this instrument:

Determination of protein cofactor midpoint potentials


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